
25 Websites that Will Improve Your Music Practice

I am a list maker by habit.  It's just something I gravitate towards naturally.  I also love to plan and help others be organized.   So, this list of 25 Websites that Will Improve Your Music Practice is a great resource wither you are just getting started or feel like your practice could use a pick me up.  Don't feel like you need to read these all in one sitting or get frustrated if you find some contradictions as you read.  There are so many different ways to teach and experience music and so many different ideas on how to do just that.  You have to learn to pick and chose what works best for you.

If you find a website or article that should have made it to this list or you have a great practice tip to share please pass it along in our comments section.  I would love to hear from you!  Happy Practicing!
  1. How to Practice at the Piano
  2. Fundamentals of Piano Practice
  3. Concentrating while Studying
  4. How to Practice Sight Reading Piano Music
  5. How Jazz Pianists Practice
  6. How the Pros Practice 
  7. PracticeSpot: Ideas and resources for great music lessons
  8. Practice, Practice, Practice...Music Study Skills 
  9. Developing Great Practice Habits 
  10. Tips for Effective Good Musical Practice–Music Blog Site 
  11. Become A Better Musician With Better Practice Habits / Bloggeron 
  12. The Importance of Dedicated Daily Practice In Learning to Play Music / Bloggeron
  13. Music Practicing Tips 
  14. Music Tech Teacher, Music Quizzes, Games and Worksheets
  15. The Collaborative Piano Blog 
  16. A Guide to Great Home Music Practice 
  17. Performance Preparation 
  18. BBC - h2g2 - How to Practice Music 
  19. eHow - How to Practice Music Effectively
  20. How NOT to Practice 
  21. A Shared Handout – “How to Practice”
  22. How to Practice Music Without Frustration
  23. 11 Tips for Practice time / About.com Music Education
  24. Doing your Practice
  25. How to Practice...Better Music Practice

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