
Something Beautiful

My daughter has taken to the princess bug.  When she turned 4 recently her birthday wishes included all the princesses we knew of and the dolls and accessories related to them.  I have no idea where this obsession came from.  My husband and I have always tried to present a more well rounded view of the world but for now we are stuck in princess land.  So, I was surprised and thrilled to find out that the people that bring us the VeggieTales have created the cutest Princess themed veggie movie, "Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God's Own Heart".

DVD Trailer: VeggieTales Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God's Own Heart

I am so happy to see a movie with so many positive messages for young girls and it doesn't hurt that it's in a medium that I know my family will enjoy.  Big Idea has also paired this movie with a song by Nichole Nordeman called "Beautiful for Me".  This is my new favorite song!  It's so beautifully done.  I have been playing the YouTube video for a couple days now and singing along with my daughter.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

'Beautiful for Me' by Nichole Nordeman

I encourage all of you share this movie with the princesses in your life.  Enjoy!

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