
Musical To-Do List: April 16, 2011

Well, Things have not gone quite as planned the last couple weeks.  I've had some family illnesses, taxes, and some changes at church in regards to the worship music that have gotten me a bit side tracked from my goals.  I also had a birthday in all that.  I am working on a better balance of life and work.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

So, here is an update and a few things on my list for next week. 

-Continue to search for Music Jobs and add them to the Job List  (This is an on-going task)

-Send out resume to friends and colleges with referral letter to network for music work.

-Follow-up with all interested students for summer lessons

-Organize my printed contemporary worship music into notebooks for better storage
(I just need to find the three ring binder hole punch)

-Make a video recordings of my recent solo piano work and make a few videos for YouTube
(The house just hasn't been quiet enough yet for this one nor have I had the time.  But I can't forget to accomplish this one soon.)

-Make final list of children's songs for recording consideration.

This is part of a new series here at the Elliott Music Studio called "Musical To-Do List".  I am hoping that these posts will help me focus my actions and share with you what I am doing to achieve my goals for 2011. I need the direction, extra motivation and accountability this will provide.

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