Our Lord, is to be praised forever and ever. Heaven and earth rejoices in his holy name. So, let us raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving this morning and open our hearts to let the truth and the light in.
"I Could Sing of Your Love Forever"
by Martin Smith
Living God, we praise you for the many people in our community and in the world that are striving to be a witness to your peace. Who are learning to trust in your compassion and love. Through Jesus Christ we are forgiven and made new. Help us to continue to grow and flourish in your amazing love, Oh, Lord."Mighty to Save"
"Be Thou My Vision"
arranged by Jars of Clay
"Give Me a Clean Heart" by Margaret P. Douroux
Contemporary worship music selections and original prayers written by Emily Elliott for worship this week at One Spirit United Methodist Church in Kansas City, MO
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